Sunday, April 22, 2007

Raining Cats and Dogs

This work is just acrylic and watercolor. Im not in in Independant projects this semester so i dont have a subject or theme, so I have far less work made this semester. But I have been spending even more time in my studio now...its like my second home its just as messy as a my room and car so im comfortable with staying my studio for 6 or more hours straight. this piece was success but thats because again I spent and took alot of time into this one. But alas the colors are much darker than they should. good thing i was able to fix it in photoshop. I've been told that if i was Childrens book Illustrator my work would appeal to depressed kids. so im doing something about it, been changing my palette up and practicing more on just acrylic and watercolor. I just hope it doesnt look like crap in the end. because my senior show is comming up and im trying NOT to screw up.

1 comment:

Travis Morgan said...

Wonderful! I love it. Raining cats and dogs. Just how I would imagine it.